Beautiful Lake in Sumatra

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Indonesia and Culture

Beautiful Lake in Sumatra

Posted by Indonesia and Culture

Indonesia is a rich country tourist attractions, both mountains, beaches, islands, lakes, and others.
The lake is a large basin on the surface of the earth that is flooded by either fresh or salty water that the entire basin is surrounded by the land.

Most lakes are fresh water and are also located in the northern hemisphere at higher altitudes.

This is the 3 best lake in Sumatra that you must visit:

1. LAKE TOBA Lake Toba is a large tekto-volcanic natural lake that occupies the caldera of a supervulkan. This lake has a length of about 100 kilometers, a width of about 30 kilometers, and a depth of up to 505 meters (16666 feet), located in North Sumatra Province, Indonesia. Lake Toba is the largest lake in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. In the middle of this lake there is a volcanic island called Samosir Island.
2. LAKE SINGKARAK Lake Singkarak is one of the tectonic processes influenced by the Sumatran Fault. This lake is part of the Singkarak-Solok Basin which is among the segments of the Sumatran Fault. The basin of the lake is formed from a subsidence caused by the movement activity of the Sumatran Fault. This large basin is blocked by volcanic material from the surrounding volcanic eruptions. Due to the damming of this volcanic material formed Maninjau Lake in one part of Singkarak-Solok Basin. In contrast to Maninjau Lake formed by eruption of gununapi, Lake Singkarak formed primarily because of tectonic process.
3. LAKE MANINJAU Maninjau Lake is a volcanic lake is located at an altitude of 461.50 meters above sea level. Maninjau Lake is a caldera of a large volcanic eruption that dissipates approximately 220-250 km3 of pyroclastic material. The caldera is formed by a composite strato volcano eruption that develops in the tectonic zone of the Great Sumatran Fault system called Sitinjau volcano (according to local legend), it can be seen from the form of a hill around the lake that resembles like a wall. The Maninjau Caldera (34.5 km x 12 km) is occupied by a lake measuring 8 km x 16.5 km (132 km2). The caldera wall of Maninjau has 459 m of lake surface which has a depth of 157 m (Verbeek, 1883 in Private, A. et al., 2007).

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