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Indonesia and Culture


Posted by Indonesia and Culture

Bahasa Indonesia has a different structure with other foreign languages. Indonesian uses the structure of the language: subject (speaker / actor) + pedikat (verb / thing done) + Object (things or objects treated by subject / patient)


Subjects in the Indonesian language of human, things, things (both intangible and intangible). Subjection has the position of the front in a short sentence / simple sentence.

Example: 1. I, brother, sister, mother, father, Andi, Irma, John (human)

2. Trees, wind, rabbits (creatures and plants)

3. Wind, jinn, good deeds (intangible and intangible).


Predicate in Indonesian is element after subject. Predicate is a verb. The words on the predicate can be either active verb or passive verb.

Verbs are on

The active verb is a verb that indicates the activity is performed by the subject directly to the object. The active workout is divided into the basic form verb, transitive active verb and the intransitive active verb.

Basic verb form

The verbs of the basic form are the intact verbs have not got the affix element. This work can show the activities performed by the subject.

Example: bath, eat, drink, sleep, rest.

Examples of subject and basic use:

1. I shower

2.Sleep sleep

Active transitive verbs

The transitive active verb is an affixed verb. The attachment attached to the transitive active verb is, among other things, the prefix at the beginning of the word (Prefix) and the affix at the end of the word (suffix).

Pregnancy at the beginning of transitive active verbs

The additives at the beginning of transitive active verbs are

example: a + (drink) + drink (base word)

become; drink

The end-active verb is transitive

The additive at the end of the transitive active verb is -kan, -an,

Example: a) + drink (base word) + -kan (ending)

Active verb intransitive

The intransitive active verb is a verb that gets affixed at the beginning of the word ie, to-,

The intransitive active verb does not need an object. just needs a complementary predicate.

Example: berif) + main (base word)

become; play

Passive verbs

The passive verb is the word karja which shows the subject in a state of not doing something but the subject is experiencing something of a state. The passive working word on the predicate is followed by the affix in-

example: sister hit

Irma fell


Objects in Indonesian simple sentences are objects, people, and things. The object lies after the predicate of the base word. The main feature of the object in the Indonesian language is that the sentences that have been compiled can be reversed and the additions can be changed in.

Example: The sister kicked the ball

Sister (human) + kick (kick) + ball (thing)

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