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Indonesia and Culture


Posted by Indonesia and Culture

Indonesia's Registered Heritage In UNESCO - Indonesia is known for its diverse natural and cultural treasures. Countless, so often makes many other countries become jealous. Not infrequently, many Indonesian culture is claimed by other countries. This becomes a "homework" that is heavy especially for kembudpar. Lately kemenbudpar was aggressively enrolling the nation's cultures to be recognized in UNESCO. Lots of benefits gained, including so there is a sense of pride in Indonesian culture. Improving the image of Indonesia in the eyes of the international community, gaining the attention of international cultural agencies and observers, and the state may apply for the 2003 Convention grant specifically for cultural heritage on lists requiring urgent protection. But to register it is very heavy, because each country is only allowed to register 3 only, and even then it has involved thousands of people. Especially when registering everything. UNESCO is an organization of education, science and culture under the auspices of the United Nations. Here's a list of Unesco's approved cultural heritages:
1. Candi Borobudur (1991)
2. Candi Prambanan (1991)
3. Taman Nasional Komodo (1991)
4. Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon (1991)
5. Situs Sangiran (1996)
6. Taman Nasional Lorentz Papua (1999)
7. Warisan Hutan Hujan Tropis Sumatra (2004)
8. Wayang Indonesia (2003)
9. Keris Indonesia (2005)
10. Batik Indonesia (2009)
11. Angklung Indonesia (2010)
source: https://bcdla.blogspot.co.id/2015/01/warisan-indonesia-yang-terdaftar-di.html

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