Indonesian was born on October 28, 1928. At that time, young people from all corners of the archipelago gathered in the Youth density and pledged (1) one blood, the land of Indonesia, (2) one nation, the Indonesian nation, and (3) uphold the language of unity, Indonesian. This young man's pledge is known as the Youth Pledge.
The third element of the Youth Pledge is a statement of determination that the Indonesian language is the language of national unity. In 1928 the Indonesian language was confirmed as the national language.
Indonesian was declared its status as a state language on August 18, 1945 because at that time the 1945 Constitution was ratified as the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. The 1945 Constitution states that the state language is Indonesian (Chapter XV, Article 36).
The Decision of the IInd Indonesian Congress of 1954 in Medan, among others, states that the Indonesian language comes from the Malay language. Indonesian language grows and develops from the Malay language which since ancient times has been used as the language of communication (lingua franca) not only in the archipelago, but also almost throughout Southeast Asia.
Malay language began to be used in Southeast Asia since the 7th century. The proof of that is by the discovery of inscriptions in Kedukan Bukit in the year 683 AD (Palembang), Talang Tuwo predicted in 684 AD (Palembang), Cretaceous City of 686 AD (West Bangka), and Karang Brahi in 688 AD (Jambi) . The inscription is inscribed with the letters Pranagari Old Malay. Old Malay is not only used in the time of Sriwijaya because in Central Java (Gandasuli) also found the inscription berangka year 832 AD and in Bogor was found inscription berangka year 942 AD which also use ancient Malay language.
In the time of Sriwijaya, Malay was used as a language of culture, the language of Buddhist textbooks. Malay is also used as the language of interconnected tribes in the archipelago and as a trading language, both as tribal languages in the archipelago and as a language used against traders who come from outside the archipelago.
The development of Malay language in the archipelago influences and fosters the sense of brotherhood and unity of the Indonesian nation. The communications between aggregates that rose in those days were Malay. The Indonesian youth who joined in the movement movement consciously took the Malay language into Indonesian, which became the language of unity for the whole nation of Indonesia (Youth Pledge, October 28, 1928).
The national awakening has encouraged the development of Indonesian language rapidly. The role of political activities, trade, newspapers, and magazines is very large in modernizing the Indonesian language.
The proclamation of independence of the Republic of Indonesia, August 17, 1945, has affirmed the status and function of the Indonesian language constitutionally as the language of the state. Now the Indonesian language is used by various layers of Indonesian society, both at the central and regional levels.
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Overview of Bahasa Indonesia
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