Ki Hajar Dewantara, founder of Taman Siswa Raden Mas Soewardi Soerjaningrat since 1922 became Ki Hadjar Dewantara, EYD: Ki Hajar Dewantara, some written Javanese sounds with Ki Hajar Dewantoro hereinafter abbreviated as "Soewardi" or "KHD") is an activist of Indonesian independence movement, columns, politicians and pioneers of education for indigenous Indonesians from the Dutch colonial era. He is the founder of Taman Siswa College, an educational institution that provides an opportunity for indigenous peoples to get the right to education as well as the priyayi as well as the Dutch. Ki Hajar was born in Yogyakarta, May 2, 1889 - died in Yogyakarta, April 26, 1959 at the age of 69 years. His birth date is now commemorated in Indonesia as National Education Day. Part of his creation motto, tut wuri handayani, became the slogan of the Indonesian Ministry of National Education. His name is immortalized as one of the names of Indonesian warships, KRI Ki Hajar Dewantara. His portrait was immortalized on a 20,000-rupiah-denominated banknote of the year 1998. He was confirmed as the 2nd national hero by the President of Indonesia, Soekarno, on November 28, 1959 (Presidential Decree No. 305 of 1959, 28 November 1959.Soewardi returned to Indonesia in September 1919. Soon afterwards he joined his brother's sister school.This teaching experience then used him to develop a teaching concept for the school he founded on July 3, 1922: Nationaal Onderwijs Instituut Tamansiswa or Tamansiswa National College. 40 years according to the Javanese calendar, he changed his name to Ki Hadjar Dewantara and he no longer uses the title of the nobility in his name, so that he can be free to the people, both physically and mentally. known in Indonesian education circles as a whole, oyan it is in the Java language read ing ngarsa sung tulada, ing madya mangun karsa, tut wuri handayani. ("In front of being an example, amid building spirit, from supporting back"). This motto is still used in the education of the people of Indonesia, especially in schools Tamansiswa College. In the first cabinet of the Republic of Indonesia, KHD was appointed Minister of Teaching of Indonesia (his post was called the first Minister of Education, Teaching and Culture). In 1957 he received his honorary doctorate (doctor honoris causa, Dr.H.C.) from the oldest university of Indonesia, Gadjah Mada University. For his services in pioneering general education, he was declared as the Father of National Education of Indonesia and the day of his birth was made National Education Day (Presidential Decree No. 305 of 1959, dated 28 November 1959). (
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