Cultural diversity (cultural diversity) in Indonesia is a real thing. Indonesia as the largest archipelago country in the world become a country with a very much culture. The growing cultures in Indonesia are influenced by geographical factors, ranging from the culture that develops in the people who live in the mountains, forest edge, coastal, lowland, rural, to urban areas. In addition there are several other factors that influence the development of Indonesian culture such as religion and modernization (culture from outside), the process of cultural assimilation that comes from outside such as religion influenced the development of Indonesian culture. As the spread of Islam as the largest religion in Indonesia affect the architectural techniques of traditional houses, as we can see from some traditional houses that adapt the dome system that generally exist in the mosque. In addition to physical examples of cultural diversity, cultural diversity also occurs in social interactions. Just like Java island is divided into several provinces, the division of the province is usually based on cultural foundations. We take the example of West Java and Central Java, West Java is dominated by the ethnic tribes of Sunda and Central Java is dominated by Javanese. Differences of ethnic Sundanese and ethnic Java can be seen from the words (local language) and attitude. These different ways of socializing support the creation of provinces in Indonesia. The number of cultures in Indonesia becomes a nation's wealth that is not worth its price. Differences of this cultural variety into pride for the nation of Indonesia.

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