The Oldest Language in the World

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Indonesia and Culture

The Oldest Language in the World

Posted by Indonesia and Culture

History has told us about things in the past, very important new discoveries, and places that are known to be lost from the surface of the Earth. And that is certainly an interesting thing, when we try to dig and know, about the facts of that history. Even learn something small, like about the oldest language in the world.

Here's the review:
- Tamil language Beginning of this language development, can be traced since 300 BC, but the beginning of this Tamil language, is believed to have existed since the year 5000 BC or even earlier. Nowadays around the world, there are approximately 78 million people, using this Tamil language. This is one of the facts, which shows that Tamil is the world's oldest language. - Sanskrit Many researchers believe that Sanskrit is incorporated in the Tamil language, and this language influences many languages ​​in Europe. This is one of the classical languages ​​in India, known to date from 3000 BC. - Egyptian It is one of the oldest languages ​​worldwide incorporated in Afro-Asian clumps. This Egyptian is believed to be a language dating from 2600-2000 BC. There is quite a lot and varied literature in Egyptian. - Greek This language was used by the Ancient Greeks, and dates from 1500 BC. This language has many dialects, like Attic, Ionic, and Doric. There are different types of poems, from the Iliad and also the Odyssey, written in this language. - Chinese language The Chinese language is known to date from 1250 BC. Over the years, this one language has continued to evolve, and about 1.2 billion people in the world use it, as their first language. And this language is included as the oldest language in the world. - Aramaic Aramaic is considered one of the oldest languages ​​in the world, as it is believed to date from 900-700 BC. It is the language of the Assyrian empire. There are several Bible books, written in Aramaic. It is shared by Christians, Jews, as well as ethnic Mandean races. (

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