Asma Dien Hasan
on the rain
is it possible that you leave a longing
poetry and poetry are vibrating
in my pulse
in the shrill voice of syahdumu
I embrace the love of my love
why dreams are always lantak
in the waves
anxiety, let alone what I need to visualize
into pictures and writing
is in your shadow
crammed into canvas sheets and papers
tears for a love
love that teraqmat often terlalai
breathed in every breath
beat with pulse
a united love
dripping wet in the morning dew
molt in drought of teak leaves
oh true love
which the world always greeted his face
the sun always shining on his face
the dew is always dripping on his face
the moon always sneaking on his lips
the rain is always present to represent it
accept the expression of a heart injured
accept oral word grieving
accept the screams of imprisoned souls
accept the language of body bear lara
even though the waves hit the rocks
let lightning strike the marble
though poison pierces the bone
and spiders damage the frame
I sob in tears
just one set of words
just one meaning
sketches of tears for a love
at the end of a night and a half
tears in the chest
for a love that is often forgotten
true love
love the owners of heaven and earth
Nganjuk, November 30, 2010
Green Bean Porridge
Sate is known to originate from Java and can be found in any area of Indonesia and has been regarded as one of Indonesia's national cuisines. Indonesia is the origin country of sate, and this dish is widely known in almost all regions of Indonesia and is considered a national cuisine and one of the dishes Indonesia's best (Anon, 2015).Sate is a very popular dish in Indonesia, with various tribes and tradition of cooking art has produced various types of satay. In Indonesia, sate can be obtained from street vendors, street vendors at street stalls, up to high-end restaurants, and often served at parties. Recipes and ways of making satay vary depending on the variety and recipe of each region.Almost any kind of meat can be made sate. As a country of origin satay, Indonesia has a variety of rich satay recipes.Usually sate given the sauce. This sauce can be a spice soy sauce, peanut sauce, or the other, usually accompanied by pickles from sliced red onion, cucumber, and cayenne pepper. Sate eaten with warm rice or, if in some areas served with lontong or ketupat (Anon, 2015)Indonesia has the richest collection of sate types in the world. Variation of sate inIndonesia is usually named based on the origin of the sate recipe, its type of meat, its ingredients, or its manufacturing process. Some types of local satay in Indonesia namely sate Madura, Satay Padang, satay Ponorogo, satay Blora, sate Banjar, Makassar satay, goat satay, sate rabbit, satay lilit (Anon, 2010).
malam ini serasa berbeda, ia tampil sangat cantik, baju krem dengan krudung sutranya membalut dalam kepalanya. duduk berhadapanku membuatku tak bisa memalingkan darinya. serasa akku melihat surga di dunia
A pay slip is a written, authentic, or official proof document used as a tool to grant a salary from the company to workers or employees. The pay slip contains certain parts of a given nominal either in detail or only in suymmary.
Certain nominal salary on an employee's salary such as basic salary, salary increment, salary deduction as well as employee loan with company if any. Companies that adopt both gross up and net salary methods, pay slips will still be provided as they are important documents for companies and employees. If you are an employee of the company, certainly payday is a process that you are most eagerly waiting for is not it? Of course it will give you happiness over the receipt of salary that the company has given.
Format Slip Salary
Format Salary Slip Format in each company has different components. All of these components depend on how the company delivers them. Here are some common formatting components commonly employed by employers in employee pay slips:
1. Company Name
At the top of the pay slip contains the name of the company. In this section it is an affirmation that the paycheck is the official and important document issued by the company to the employees. Therefore, employees can find out what company issued the paycheck. making sure that it is the company that gives to its employees. 2. Confidentiality of Salary Under
the company name there is an explanation of the secrecy of the pay slip. The secrecy of salary is a matter of concern to employees who have earned a wage from the company. The purpose of such secrecy is that the paycheck it is only you who can read and know it. Called also with a letter Confidential (secret) or Private (private).
Bali Kintamani Coffea

In contrast to almost all coffee-producing regions in Indonesia, such as Java and Sumatra, coffee plantations in Bali were not spearheaded by the Dutch colonial government, but from traders from Lombok who brought coffee seeds to Bali in the early 20th century. Thus, compared to other regions , coffee plantations in Bali are among the youngest, indeed. The fertility of volcanic soils and climate in the Kintamani area is indeed ideal for the rapid growth of coffee in Bali. And the type of coffee brought by the traders from Lombok to Bali at that time was Robusta, which was pest-resistant and had high levels of caffeine.
Kintamani area located in the north of Bali Island is still the main coffee producer in this island, although currently more Arabica planted than Robusta. Why? Because Arabica does not taste too acidic and the price is higher. Clearly, it is more profitable for coffee farmers and businessmen in Bali. Another difference between Balinese coffee and other coffees in Indonesia is how to process them. Balinese coffee is processed in the traditional Balinese way. Coffee is discarded before the seeds dry out, and this process is called "wet process". Meanwhile, coffee is usually in Indonesia through a "dry process", in which all coffee is dried first. That is why, the color of Bali coffee beans is brighter than other coffees in Indonesia. It tastes much like coffee on the island of Java, Timor and Flores, and is somewhat similar to Toraja coffee and Sumatran coffee.
Spicy tempeh stir-fry recipe
Special Saute Stir-fry Sauce - Stir-fry or tempeh oseng is one of the many processed foods made from tempe, it's unique and delicious makes it a flexible food, can be made tempeh fried snack or commonly known mendoan, can also be made spicy tempeh stir-fry, bacem and many more variants. Simple menu this time you should try at home. Here are the recipes: Excellent spicy tempeh stir-fry: 1 long tempeh, diced 5 ijo pepper, cut into pieces 3 red chili pepper, cut into pieces 3 cloves garlic, thinly sliced 3 cloves of onion, thinly sliced 100 ml soy sauce taste salt to taste enough water to mix enough oil to stir fry How to make delicious spicy tempeh stir-fry: Take tempe, then diced, set aside. Saute garlic, onion, chili ijo, and red pepper until fragrant, input tempe, stirring let until the color changes. Add a little soy sauce, stirring until evenly, season with salt, stirring, and give a little water for the sauce. Cook until the tempeh is cooked, lift, serve.
Traditional Indonesian Food "TEMPE"
Tempe is a food made from fermentation to soybean seeds. This fermentation preparation is commonly known as tempeh yeast. Tempe is widely consumed in Indonesia, but for now tempe has worldwide. Many vegetarians around the world have used tempe instead of meat.
As a result now tempe is produced in many places in the world, not only in Indonesia alone. Various studies in a number of countries, such as Germany, Japan, and the United States. Indonesia is also now trying to develop the tempe production by producing a faster tempe, quality, or improve the nutritional content of tempe. Some concerned that this activity could threaten the existence of tempe as a foodstuff because of superior yeast lines can be registered patents so that their use is protected by law.
Learning Indonesian on University in Japan and Korea
1. Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS)Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS) has been renowned as an international research, research and exchange center for lecturers worldwide. Not only that, the campus located in Asahicho, Fuchu, Tokyo is also known as one of the five leading universities in the world in the field of foreign languages.At the university there are 26 foreign languages taught, one of which is the Indonesian language. Not surprisingly, from 26 majors studying foreign languages from various countries, Indonesian became one of the ones studied in this campus.Bahasa Indonesia itself is included in the Southeast Asian study program, along with seven other countries. Just so you know, not many students who can be accepted to learn Bahasa Indonesia on campus. Within a year TUFS will only receive 18 students who will be taught starting from basic, reading and writing Indonesian well and correctly.2. Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS)One of the best campuses in South Korea, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS), which was established in 1954, opened a department that specializes in learning Indonesian. Not just one but two majors at once, Department of Malay-Indonesia in College of Oriental Language and Department of Malay-Indonesian Interpretation College of Interpretation and Translation. In South Korea, the country that is now the center of the attention of teenagers in Indonesia and around the world due to K-Pop culture and drama series, the interest of its citizens towards the Indonesian language is also a proof that this language has been accepted there. Every year, the Embassy of South Korea held a speech contest using the Indonesian language specifically for the people of South Korea. Their enthusiasm for the race is quite high.
Traditional Istiadat and Culture
Traditional Istiadat
Definition of Complete Traditional Istiadat With Reviews And Definitions According to Experts - Customs are the highest set of rules of conduct because they are immutable and are strongly integrated with the people who own them.
Types of Adat
Indigenous Adat Tradition Is a custom that is not cracked by heat, not decayed by rain, moved not wilted, washed out water. That is, all the provisions that exist in nature have properties that will not change, for example, bare forests cause floods, crime will certainly get a punishment, good will bring happiness, and so on.
The Indicated Ad Tradition is
all applicable provisions in the community. These provisions are codified by Datuk Nan Duo based on the nature of objects in nature. Its purpose is to organize community life in terms of order, economy, and social culture.
Dedicated Customs That is the rule formed by deliberation. Each community group has rules and procedures that are different from other community groups.
Customs are the customs or the fondness of the local community when performing parties, art, entertainment, dress, sport, etc.
Culture is a way of life that is developed and shared by a group of people and passed down from generation to generation. Culture is made up of many complex elements, including religious and political systems, customs, language, tools, clothing, buildings, and artwork.
Culture is a comprehensive lifestyle. culture is complex, abstract, and broad. Many aspects of culture also determine communicative behavior.